How to Find Exchange Server 2007 Build Information

By | November 26, 2009

The other day I applied Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 in my test lab and wanted to check that the update was successfully applied.  Being something of a Powershell fan I first tried the command shown below:

(get-exchangeserver MyE2K7Server).admindisplayversion

The output showed Version 8.2 (Build 176.2), which is the same as Exchange Server 2007 SP2 without the Update Rollup.  Next I look at the value using the Exchange Management Console (EMC), which showed me the same information.


I even checked the registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\<role> and the ConfiguredVersion value shows the same (

The only place I noticed the build number had been incremented was in the EMC under Help->About.

After some Googling I found the statement below from Microsoft’s Ananth Ramanathan

Successful installation of an update rollup should not be ascertained by the version number shown in the admin tools. The version number displayed by Exchange Management Console or other administrative mechanisms is obtained from the Exchange Server Object in Active Directory. If we update the Exchange Server Object in Active Directory to show a new version number for every rollup, it would require additional privileges for the account being used to install the rollup. Since many large customers have split level administrative model where the Exchange administrators do not have permissions to the Active Directory we do not update the Active Directory with an updated version number when the rollup is installed.

Another factor is that the rollup is no different than a Hotfix/Update for other products from Microsoft. So as an administrator you should do what you usually do for validating that the Hotfix is correctly installed/ In Windows Server 2003, you will need to go to Add//Remove programs in control panel and make sure the “Show Updates” checkbox is selected at the top. In Windows Server 2008, you will need to go to “View Installed Updates” in the Control Panel.

Ananth’s method is fine you want to look at one Exchange Server, but what if you want to list the build levels for all Exchange servers in your organisation?  Powershell to the rescue!  Here’s a script I put together to show the names, editions and build numbers for each Exchange server in the organisation.

# Name: GetExchangeBuild.ps1
# Author: Tony Murray
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 24/11/2009
# Comment: PowerShell script to list build info
# for each Exchange Server in the organisation

#Uncomment the line below if running from Powershell outside the EMS
#add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Admin

$exsrvs = (get-exchangeserver)
foreach ($exsrv in $exsrvs)
$version = (get-exchangeserver -identity $exsrv).admindisplayversion
$edition = (get-exchangeserver -identity $exsrv).edition
write-host “=====================================================”
write-host “Exchange Server: $exsrv”
write-host $version
write-host “Edition: $edition”
write-host “Installed Update Rollups:”
$baseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey(‘LocalMachine’, $exsrv)
$regKey = “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\461C2B4266EDEF444B864AD6D9E5B613\Patches\”
$baseKey = $baseKey.OpenSubKey($regKey)
$Updates = $baseKey.GetSubKeyNames()
ForEach($Update in $Updates)
$fullPath= $regKey + $Update
$UpdateKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey(‘LocalMachine’, $exsrv)
$UpdateKey = $UpdateKey.OpenSubKey($fullPath)
$values = $UpdateKey.GetValueNames()
ForEach($value in $values)
if ($value -eq “DisplayName”)
{Write-host $UpdateKey.GetValue($value)}
write-host “=====================================================”

Let me know if you have any problems with the script, or if you can think of ways to improve it.


7 thoughts on “How to Find Exchange Server 2007 Build Information

  1. JR

    Neat script, unfortunately I have the Exchange RO admin role, so I didn’t actually have the permission to connect to the registry on the remote machines, but when I tried this script it seemed to fail on the line
    $exsrvs = (get-exchangeserver).name

    no error was generated, but it wouldn’t connect to anything. Additionally, looking at the content of the $exsrvs variable seemed to be empty

    when I changed the code to have $exsrvs = (get-exchangeserver)

    and then altered the foreach..loop to have a $server = $ value and adjusted the remaining calls to reference my new variable, it seemed to work

  2. JR

    Neat script, unfortunately I have the Exchange RO admin role, so I didn’t actually have the permission to connect to the registry on the remote machines, but when I tried this script it seemed to fail on the line
    $exsrvs = (get-exchangeserver).name

    no error was generated, but it wouldn’t connect to anything. Additionally, looking at the content of the $exsrvs variable seemed to be empty

    when I changed the code to have $exsrvs = (get-exchangeserver)

    and then altered the foreach..loop to have a $server = $ value and adjusted the remaining calls to reference my new variable, it seemed to work

  3. Paul Lamb

    Thanks for this blog it completely through me not seeing the updated version number. I think other forums make it more confusing as they say it should change the version number to match the RUP installed.

    Best Regards Paul

  4. Paul Lamb

    Thanks for this blog it completely through me not seeing the updated version number. I think other forums make it more confusing as they say it should change the version number to match the RUP installed.

    Best Regards Paul

  5. admin Post author


    Good catch – thanks. I have now updated the script.

    That will teach me to test in a single-server environment.


  6. admin Post author


    Good catch – thanks. I have now updated the script.

    That will teach me to test in a single-server environment.



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